The heart is one of the strongest muscles in the body, pumping about 6 liters of blood around the body every minute. Many diseases
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Owing to the increase in easily accessible information or data from the internet, it is a common practice for people in today’s
Pulmonary fibrosis has an occurrence rate of 13 to 20 per 100,000 people. In the US alone, 100,000 people get affected by
An irregular or abnormal heartbeat is medically referred to as arrhythmia. Arrhythmias are characterized by abnormal cardiac rhythms, which may range from
People suffering from thyroid diseases require routine exams, blood tests, and thyroid screening. Endocrinologists (a doctor who is specialized in glands and
If you experience chest pain when lying down, it does not necessarily mean that you are having a heart attack. Even though we
COPD has over 15 million medical diagnoses to date around the world. Yet, many remain undiagnosed. With COPD presently being the third
NOTE: This post originally appeared on On a breezy evening in spring, John and Kevin, two handsome young men, graduated from
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A heart attack occurs when there is an abrupt cessation of the blood supply to the heart muscle. The result is the …
During heart failure, the heart cannot pump blood efficiently enough to meet the body’s metabolic demands. In the early stages of heart …
Introduction Small myelinated and nonmyelinated sensory and autonomic fibers are particularly susceptible to amyloid neuropathy, a length-dependent polyneuropathy. The typical symptoms start …
In autoimmune diseases, the human body starts attacking its own system. These illnesses share some similarities with one another. They could include …
Trauma remains the greatest cause of mortality for those under 44 years old in the US and is one of the top …
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which your body produces more sugar or glucose than is typical. The term “hyperglycemia” describes an …
Hashimoto’s encephalopathy (HE) impacts the brain and how it functions. Hashimoto’s encephalopathy symptoms include seizures, disorientation, altered behavior, and cognitive difficulties. There …